About 78 million adults in the United States have high blood pressure, the American Heart Association tells us, leading to health problems, when uncontrolled for too long, including strokes.Read more: Natural Remedies to reduce Blood Pressure
What we eat is the reason for every disease.So take care about what we eat.The food we consume shows what we are.That means if we made a healthy food habit,eventually we have a good health. Read more: Heart Block can be cured without Angiogram and Angioplasty
According to French researchers, the incidence of cancer is expected to increase by more than 75% by the year 2030 in developed countries, and over 90% in developing nations.Read more: Why should we avoid Chemotherapy - Mohanan Vaidyar
Many people are irritated about fever...
What is the real cause of fever?
So I thought of including some natural remedies from our surroundings to cure fever.This tip was given by Mohanan Vaidyar.Read more: Natural remedies to cure fever
According to French researchers, the incidence of cancer is expected to increase by more than 75% by the year 2030 in developed countries, and over 90% in developing nations.
Whatever may be the statistics,there is still a hope remains.A little light ray is needed to remove all darkness in a room.Likewise,Mohanan vaidya is that light ray who is treating several types of cancer patients,mostly failed by treated with modern medicines.
In Mohanan Vaidyar's perspective,cancer is not a fatal disease,to all those fears about cancer.In Vaidyar's terminology,Vidrathi andArbudam are known in the name of cancer and continuously frightening people nowadays.But these two can be treated by traditional practitioners in so simple methods.
is the lump and it was treated with applying grinded mixture of herbs and ointments. is the ruin or loss of germs in blood and was treated by including it in anemia. They don’t have medicine for cancer, but they considered Vidrathi and Arbudam as minor diseases. Cancer is just a fabricated disease by the corporates, says Vaidya.
He remembers us that diseases are affected in our mind and not in the body. So mind should be treated and purified first. Then food is corrected. Then only medicine matters. A traditional medic always comes to a conclusion about the disease by checking the patient’s nerves and examining his face and body language. So when you approach a traditional medic for treating a disease always remember not to say the modern names of modern diseases, just say the problems that you are feeling in your body and he will analyze what is the matter.
Why should we avoid Chemotherapy
Doing chemotherapy is equal to killing a human slowly.
It damages kidney,sight,bones,hair, liver, sometimes menopause happens to women.
Many will be affected by blood cancer when they do chemotherapy for some other cancer.
Cancer cannot be prevented or cured or make claims to prevent or cure by using allopathic medicine (Modern Medicine), says Indian Government itself. But this rule is hidden from the public.
An agreement is signed by the patient and his relatives that the chemo is done only because of their interest.
If we take a survey that how many patients survive after five years doing chemotherapy and what is their condition now,we can't see any positive result.
Radiation destroys the cells in that area, vary the DNA and transforms the gene.So don’t go before all these things, but change your lifestyle and eat good food. “I don’t have medicine for any disease and I don’t heal anyone, I just try to purify mind and lifestyle of people.” This is what I do, says Vaidya. Read more:
Yesterday my cousin came home and he said it.He works in a bank office.He suffers head ache occasionally.His work was like that.He asked me:Do you know about any remedies for it?
I said :"yes". and I explained to him.He tried it and got better result.
Before taking any medicine for any disease, self-evaluation about what you are eating is necessary. Our life style and what we eat determines our health, it is the main reason for every disease. There is no need of any treatment or medicine if we correct our life style and food selection.
Some habits that should be changed
Avoid foods that contain trans-fat.,Ex:chocolates,junk food etc.
Avoid all types of fast food.
All types of soft drinks should be avoided because they contain preservatives and essence.
Avoid artificial taste-makers and foods that are made up using it.
Iodized salt should be avoided.
Avoid modern medicine that is harmful to our body. Allopathic medicines cannot cure any disease instead it increases the disease by hiding the actual symptoms.
A medicine to cure Headache
Prepare the juice of Stinging Nettle (Tragia Involucrata) leaf, the juice of Cleome Viscosa, Organic coconut oil.
Take all three equally, then mix all well and boil until the water evaporates completely.
So I thought of including some natural remedies from our surroundings to cure fever.This tip was given by Mohanan Vaidyar.
Fever,the refining process of body
When affected fever,people usually consult a doctor or take some medicines from the medical shop near them. According to vaidya,fever is the refining process of our body.He says fever shows our immunity power.
How does fever occur?
The bacteria,virus enters into our body when our immune power is low.These grow inside our body in face situations and will become harmful to our body.This is most commonly affected when our body is fighting to continue in its normal temperature when outside temperature is low.When body realizes that these germs will make harm to it,our body automatically raise the temperature.This is the fever.Most harmful germs cannot live in 37 degree Celsius in our body and they are all destroyed. But in this process,some useful germs in our body are also destroyed.The body has the power to reproduce these germs.But we usually don't allow our body to do its job.We take some antibiotics and allow to enter some harmful chemicals in our body.The best thing is to stay calm and allow our body to do the work.
Natural Remedies to cure fever
The best medicine for fever is fasting.You can continue this for 2 or 3 days.The first-day complete fasting,and if necessary you can have tender coconut water or any other fresh fruit juice for next 2 days.
If you are impatient or weak,then you can try some natural remedies explained by vaidya below with no side effects:
Devadaru (Cedrus Deodara), Lesser Galangal, Tinospora Cordifalia, Swertia Chirata, Coriander seeds, dried ginger and cumin. Take 20gm each of these, then bruise it or crush it. Add 1 liter of water and boil it. Continue to boil till the water becomes 250 ml. take 125 ml in morning and 125 ml in the evening.
This kashaya(decoction) can be given even to a newborn baby with one day old. One to two spoon kashaya can be given twice a day. If the child is one-year-old, 25 to 50 ml kashaya can be given twice a day.
If you are tired, having less platelet count, or affected by red spots or something on your skin then papaya’s leaves juice can be taken.
Small children to an older one can take papaya’s leaves juice. Aged above ten years can take 25 ml papaya’s leaves juice plus 25 ml milk 3 times a day. Aged below ten years can take 15 ml papaya’s leaves juice plus 25 ml milk 3 times a day. Small children can take 5 ml papaya’s leaves juice plus 25 ml milk 3 times a day. Very small children can take 2 ml papaya’s leaves juice plus 10 ml milk 3 times a day. Vaidya says with confidence that the platelet count will be increased within 3 days.
But we don’t care all these things; we just want everything to be fast and easy. Vaidyar even noted that eleven rats can be killed with a single paracetamol. He says us to listen and study our body.
Here the milk is not used as a food but it is a medium. In Homeo medicines, alcohol is used as a medium, like that milk is used as a medium to carry the papaya’s leaves juice to blood quickly. The milk should be pure ‘a cow’s milk’. According to Mohanan Vaidyar, different cow’s milk mixed together is equal to poison! Not to mention about packet milk, because they are not milk at all.
Human is a wonder in nature.,the prominent creation in itself.,very different from other creatures.
The main reason for this is due to his brain.He has the ability to 'think','understand' and 'act' accordingly-yes the 'intelligence'.But in most cases he is not using his abilities to understand himself or his body.He cannot bring his body according to his management or aim.As a result we cannot control our body.These leads to several types of addictions-you name it.This leads to illness.We then forced to use medicines.But the fact that these medicines cannot give us the deliverance from the root disease and make us healthy!.
I am not against Allopathy,Ayurveda,Homeopathy,Sidha,Unani,Acupuncture,or any other treatment.Every treatment has its own merits and demerits.I don't mean to nag or degrade any medical treatment or physician personally or indirectly.If you feel like that, just treat it as a normal experience.
Man has enormous powers.He get this powers even before his birth.But we are not using this powers properly when its needed.My wish is to be with you as an inspiration and a remembrance to use your power.
We got to meet some unique people who love the nature and are living evenness to nature.I would like to introduce these personalities whom I met and are going to meet to you.
Who is Mohanan Vaidyar? Let's get familiarized
I am going to introduce a personality who loves nature and living with nature.He is my inspiration and I have no words to describe him.He is a naturopathic practitioner who works for the society beyond his limitations."Mahanan Nair",most people known him as Mohanan Vaidyar. He works for the society more than a medical practitioner.He participated in many TV programs and conducted health awareness classes as part of his social work.He is a guide who shows ho to live accord with nature.He is a medic who shows which doctor can actually heal us.He is a friend who shows what is your strength.He is an experts who points out the adulteration in food.He is a teacher who teaches how the medicinal plants around us can be used to heal even serious and complicated diseases.There is a lot more to say about him.Watch the following video to know more about him.